Tuesday, 7 January 2014


Thomson Varghese
Mechatronics Engineering, 3rd year
SRM University

It’s a biblical term used to spread the word of God (good news). The people who have the grace of spreading out the word of God are known as evangelists.

Well, what actually is the meaning of spreading the good news?. It’s all about the Jesus, who came to the earth 2000 years ago ,died for our sins and so who so ever might believe in him and repent from their sinful ways, will have a eternal life with the Father in heaven. That’s it, when you as a Christian share this with your loved ones whom you care the most and would like to be with you forever, you have played a small role in making the kingdom of Christ as an evangelist.
 So go out and save as many as souls from perishing.

If a question arises in your mind that what is the need of doing it as a person or an individual? 
I totally agree with you, but the scripture says in Matthew 28:19-20 that the disciple of Christ must go out and spread the good news to all the nations, which is given as a command. If you’re a disciple of Christ you must give it a try and leave the rest upon Him. And we must know very well that if we disobey His command, then His wrath is going to be against us.

One of most important question that all Christians must know that, why “you”!!

....yes I mean “why you” specifically do this evangelism and spread the word of God, we can find the answer in 2 Corinthians 4:13-15, it says that you believed because of which you spoke with the spirit of faith. We should always think of our past life before we speak about Christ, that how we ourselves have doubted on Christ and our faith. We should know their heart is just like ours before we were born again in Christ. Never emphasise or force them to obey Christ, you should always tell them about “Christian Faith”, that this is something different, much different from all other faiths in the world. Otherwise it all would be the same, whether you speak about Buddha(he was a good man, meditated all the time, left behind all his assets, did lots of good deeds) or Krishna(who did good deeds to Sudama, Google it) or about Christ(who did great and mighty works), until and unless you have Christian Faith, it’s all the same.
Lastly we need to know that this evangelism has an end. Yes it has an end, Jeremiah 31:31-34 says that no longer we need to say our fellow mate that Christ is the lord, because they will all know him. Till then keep on doing this good work by spreading out the word of God. Never be discouraged, if your loved ones don’t accept Christ, but always keep them in prayers and let the sovereign Lord change their heart at his most appropriate time. 

God bless you all greatly.

1 comment:

  1. Thomson, I think you should blog more on these topics. Nicely thought and Blogged.

    Keep it up :D
