Monday, 16 December 2013


- Annie Preethisa
  4th year, Electronics and instrumentation engineering

We all have role models in our life. Gandhi or Sachin Tendulkar, maybe? Have you ever told anyone Jesus is your role model?

Here let us answer three basic questions we may have-
  • Why should I become like Jesus?
  •  How can I become like Jesus?
  •   What will happen if I become like Jesus?

God announced that we were created to be like him in the very first of the Bible itself. Genesis 1:26: “God said, ‘Let us make people in our image, to be like ourselves.’” We were created in the image of God, in fact, in all of God’s creation; we are the only ones to be created in His image. We are intellectual, relational and above all, we have a conscience which tells us right from wrong.

 Romans 8:29, “For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son so that his Son would be the firstborn, with many brothers and sisters.”

So it isn't really a choice we are given, it is God’s plan for us that we become like his Son. It’s only for us to realize it and walk in accordance. The more you try to deviate from God’s plan, the more harm we will be causing ourselves.

If you don’t align yourself with God, the world will pull you into its level of immaturity, and you won't even realize it, which is dangerous!  You need to be somewhere, either here or there. God promises fullness and peace and the world promises nothing that really lasts. Where do you want to be?

Jesus was perfect. And becoming like him is beyond us.  However, the good news is, God didn't abandon us saying “become like me”. He has his way of accomplishing his will.

God plays a part- It maybe beyond you to become like Jesus, but when God is at work within you, it is not your power but God’s power in you. And God’s power is capable of all things. Philippians 2:13: “For God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him.” It is God who gives you the desire and God who gives you the power to fulfill it.

God’s people play a part- God’s people, the church, our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, are all there to support us and hold us together in our journey towards becoming like Christ.  Romans 1:12, “I'm eager to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours. In this way, each of us will be a blessing to the other.”  If you want to be like Christ, you need to be surrounded by like-minded people who will help you. This is one of the main reasons why fellowship with fellow Christians is very important.

The Word plays a part- You are molded by the things around you and by what you hear. How do you know what to follow and what not to? Whom should you listen to? Should you follow some great philosopher and his doctrines on life? Should you listen to a successful businessman who he seems to have got it all right? Should you listen to your friend? How about if I say you should listen to your creator. He created you and not just in any random manner but “fearfully and wonderfully”. I am sure he knows how to run your life too! The Word tells us everything we need to know, and makes us more and more like Christ. It is the tool God gave us to assist us in fulfilling his purpose for us.

You play a part- Unless you are willing to commit to God’s way and willing to accept his plan for you, this entire journey of becoming like Christ will just be miserable. Committing to God’s will is being able to accept things even when you may not like it, all with the greater understanding that God knows how to handle your life and everything he does will only take you one step further towards fulfilling his immediate purpose in your life- becoming like Christ.

This question doesn't really need answers. Everything written above should give you a picture of how our life will be if we decide to become like Christ- we will be walking according to his plan and by walking according to his plan, we will receive the fullness and peace that the world cannot give. However, remember that our relationship with God is not incentive based.  If it were, we wouldn't even have half the blessings we have in our lives today.  If you start counting what you get for the good you do, you will realize that God has only been giving and you have only been receiving.

It was God’s desire from the very beginning that we be confirmed to his image. He has an eternal home for us and he wants to make us perfect before he can take us there to be with him because nothing imperfect can exist in his presence. Though this may sound scary, remember that for those who ask the Lord to help them with this task, his mighty power will work in them and guide them. So ask the Lord today to help you!